
  1. The Directorate of Cyclades Forests at Vari Kindergarten on the occasion of World Forestry Day https://cyclades24.gr/2023/04/i-diefthynsi-dason-kykladon-sto-nipiagogeio-varis/Obrazek posiada pusty atrybut alt; plik o nazwie vari1.jpg
  2. In order to disseminate the results of the Erasmus Project on climate change, an „electronic corner” was created on the Vari 's Pre-Primary School’s blog with the theme: Category articles THE ERASMUS CORNER. CLIMATE CHANGE – LET THE KIDS ACT https://blogs.sch.gr/fedra/puzzles/kainotoma-programmata/
  3. Municipal Conference „School in the project” 22.11.2022 Zespół Szkoły Podstawowej i Przedszkola w Czechach hosted a conference on project activities, particularly the dissemination of Erasmus+ project results. https://czechy.superszkolna.pl/wiadomosci/1/wiadomosc/523794/gminna_konferencja_szkola_w_projekcie

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