Description of the project
Theoretically, there is no need to explain to anyone the state of ourenvironment and the Earth. However, if we touch on the practical aspectof everyday choices in the spirit of care and concern for nature and askabout sustainable development goals, the matter becomes morecomplicated. The observations, analyzes and diagnosis of needs showthat the children did not have developed habits related to an ecologicalattitude. Teachers, however, had low awareness of working on theSustainable Development Goals.That is why we wanted, and this is whathappened, that our project, responding to the needs resulting from thecommon diagnosis, would raise children’s ecological awareness throughlocal project activities and joint international partnership. Theassumptions and facts show that over 500 people were involved in theproject activities – children, teachers and other employees ofkindergartens and schools, as well as representatives of localcommunities. We are sure that the project has been and will continue tobe a long-term success, as it was prepared on the basis of a thoroughneeds diagnosis carried out by all partner countries and based onprevious experience acquired during the implementation of eTwinningprojects.
By participating in it, we achieved the following goals:
1. Increasing the ecological awareness of children aged 3-12 throughlocal project activities and joint international partnerships.
2. Improving methods of working with children aged 3-12 in the field ofecological education using ITC techniques and the „ASK, COLLECT,VISUALIZE, CREATE, ACT” methods by preschool and early schoolteachers.
3. During the project, learning about the sustainable development goalsaccording to the 2030 Agenda, in particular SDG 6,11,13 by children aged3-12 in order to shape habits regarding everyday choices and activities.
4. Transfer and dissemination of the results of project activities amongchildren aged 3-12 to the community: parents, residents, local schooland kindergarten communities during the project period and after itscompletion.
Throughout the duration of the project, we systematically worked inproject teams with children and teachers, performing tasks provided forin the schedule and more. We have created thematic lesson plans andaudio recordings, an e-book presenting our project and the „ASK,COLLECT, VISUALIZE, CREATE, ACT” method and an SDG e-book. Weparticipated in ecological, gardening and other workshops. We visitedplaces related to caring for our local environment, as well as weestablished cooperation with environmental organizations. During 5mobility related to learning and teaching, we learned about workmethods and exchanged experiences in the development ofcompetences related to nature protection. In addition, there were:presentations of the effects of children’s work, getting to know eachother through activities in international groups, solving problemstogether and developing skills thanks to thematic workshops andmeetings with important people (e.g. representatives of local authoritiesor organizations such as WWF).
We have learned to use ITC techniques to motivate children to gooutside and take actions related to the protection and propermanagement of the environment around us. We are convinced that suchactions have encouraged children to think about their future whenmaking choices. Thanks to the project, its participants are more open tothe world, its diversity and otherness. Project participants wereequipped with the values of: respect for other cultures and traditionsand responsibility for local choices and actions, which will ultimatelytranslate into global climate gain. Participating in project activitiesbroadened the perception of the world – not only the immediateenvironment. An added aspect is that the project participants alsoimproved their competences, especially linguistic and IT ones.
After completing the project, children:
– are ecologically aware – they can make conscious decisions regardingtheir everyday choices;
– share their knowledge with other students, parents and the localcommunity;
– they learned how to cooperate, including online;
From teachers:
– there was an exchange of experience in the international field;
– knowledge related to the SDGs was deepened and the ability totransfer this knowledge to others using developed methods.
The experience gained during project activities has been and willcontinue to be transferred to the local and regional environment. Thedeveloped publications for teachers constitute the basis for creatinginnovations and further work in this area. The planned and implementedconference forms became an opportunity to promote the results ofproject activities and to undertake subsequent cooperation withineTwinning projects based on our experience.